ACCELERATED EMDR THERAPY for immediate relief and healing

EMDR Intensives in Stillwater, Oklahoma & online throughout Oklahoma, Texas, & Florida.

You have experienced a life changing event

Some painful experiences change your life in a moment. Maybe you are a parent trying to cope with a traumatic birth experience, all the while trying to care for your baby and yourself. Maybe you had a recent loss of a loved one and the pain of the grief process is swallowing you whole.

Maybe the painful event in your life happened years ago, but the ripple effect is still present in your life today. Maybe you know that some things you went through as a young child or teen have stayed with you, no matter how hard you’ve tried to leave them in the past.

Maybe there is stress in your life that is hitting you harder than you expected. Changes in life can feel like a tidal wave, even if you planned for them or look forward to them. Things like graduating from college and starting your career or moving into retirement. Even positive changes in life like getting married or having a child, can trigger some strong emotions - leaving you feeling confused, lost, and overwhelmed.

Maybe you have a difficult relationship with food or have lived with an eating disorder but recently things got stirred up again and you’re not sure why. Maybe you are looking for a way to get your feet back on solid ground.

 EMDR Intensives can help.

how We can help

What is an EMDR Intensive?

EMDR Intensives are a cutting-edge format of therapy that allows us to accelerate the healing process. Instead of spending week after week in therapy, you can book a therapy intensive and get results now. EMDR Intensives are highly effective and efficient for resolving trauma and painful experiences. Clients are able to make more progress in 3 days than they’ve been able to do in 3 months of traditional weekly therapy. The intensive format creates a greater amount of change in a shorter amount of time.

how do emdr intensives work?

Free Consultation

The consultation will allow time to explore how an EMDR Intensive might be a healing option for you. This will include the EMDR Intensive process, expectations, clear up any questions you may have, and determine if we and EMDR Intensives are a good fit for you.

90 Minute Pre-Intensive Session

The intensive begins with a 90-minute session. We meet together to lay the groundwork for the intensive. We discuss your history, your goals for the intensive, and what to expect. 

Customized Client Workbook

You receive a customized Client Workbook to prepare you for the therapy intensive. It will allow us to go further, faster because the therapy work begins before our first session.

Intensive Sessions

The Intensive Sessions are 3 hours long, allowing us to go deep and get to the heart of the issue. We will take breaks and make sure that the pace feels comfortable to you. You will be in the driver’s seat the entire time.

90 Minute Post-Intensive Session

The intensive ends with a 90-minute debrief session. During this session we will reflect on the most important moments of the intensive as well as next steps on your healing journey.

What are the benefits of EMDR Intensives?

  • Experience deep healing in a safe, intensive format

  • Get results and relief in less time and with fewer therapy sessions

  • More cost-effective than weekly therapy

  • No need to add therapy to your weekly schedule

  • Can be scheduled during a summer break, before a big life event, or any time that works best for you

Invest in yourself…

1 Day Intensive

90 min Pre-Intensive Interview

Personalized Workbook

1 Day of Intensive Sessions (total of 3 hours)

90 min Post-Intensive Interview

Total price $1920

2 Day Intensive

90 min Pre-Intensive Interview

Personalized Workbook

2 Days of Intensive Sessions (total of 6 hours)

90 min Post-Intensive Interview

Total price $2640

3 Day Intensive

90 min Pre-Intensive Interview

Personalized Workbook

3 Days of Intensive Sessions (total of 9 hours)

90 min Post-Intensive Interview

Total price $3360

I want you to know:

You don’t have to wait months to start feeling better!

Let’s work together to lessen the pain, minimize the sting, and fade the impact of hurtful life experiences.


Common questions about EMDR Intensives

  • EMDR Intensives are not a service covered by insurance companies. In some cases, you can submit a Superbill (or receipt) to your insurance company for potential reimbursement for a portion of the cost of the EMDR intensive.

  • A 50% non-refundable deposit is due at the time of booking your intensive and the remaining 50% is due on the first day of your intensive session.

  • There is a 2 week cancellation policy: Any cancellation within 2 weeks of the Pre-Intensive Interview will result in full charge of the intensive program.

Ready to get started?

Your future self is worth it!