Therapy for Anxiety and Depression

Let’s build resilience for the overwhelming feelings of stress and sadness.

Online Therapy in Southlake, Texas, and across Texas, Oklahoma, and Florida

be honest:

Is your stress level through the roof?

You spend your days running from one thing to another, tackling your to do list, and it never ends. You have to keep all the balls in the air and can’t let a single one drop. You’re keeping the world turning at work, at home, and in your relationships. You don’t have time to pause, catch your breath or even ask yourself: How did we get here?

At this point the feelings of crushing stress are just a normal part of life. You know that perfectionism is probably not helping anything. You do your best to avoid the feelings of failure that are swirling around you or the fact that you are constantly apologizing for all the ways things could have gone better. When your supervisor gives you feedback that you are doing a good job, you still feel like you’re never doing enough.

At night, when things slow down, the feelings of shame set in. You realize just how overwhelmed you actually are. You beat yourself up for not being able to balance it all. The voice inside says you’re failing and you’ll never live up to people's expectations. You feel like you’re drowning and want so desperately to be “good enough” but you don’t even know how you could do more. You’re so tired. You feel like you can't stop trying but it also feels like you can’t move a muscle. It’s paralyzing to be at odds with yourself and you’re ready for relief!

Therapy for when it feels like you’re failing

Alright. Let’s have some real talk. You’re ready for change. You want to be able to sleep at night. You don’t want to feel overcome by stress and sadness. We can help you know exactly what to do when the spiral of stress and sadness descends on you - so it doesn't take over your life.

We are here to help you to be able to enjoy your life again. It’s possible to find your balance so that when things get rocky, you don’t get knocked down. We can work together so that you can lay down at night and feel like you did a good job. When someone compliments you, you will be able to feel their appreciation and acceptance.

You don’t have to have it all together before you reach out. This is a place where you can show up exactly where you are. It’s a judgment-free space. We’ve all been there and that’s exactly why we do this work: to help you recreate a life that you actually enjoy and feel glad to wake up to every single day. That might seem like a stretch right now and that’s okay. We are here for you. All you have to do is take the first step.

Therapy for Anxiety and Depression can help you:

Regain your ability to rest, relax, and take breaks when needed

Feel confident that you can handle feelings of stress and sadness

Celebrate small successes without focusing on your flaws

Release feelings of guilt and “never good enough”

Find more balance and enjoyment in life

Anxiety and Depression do NOT have to suck the life out of you

Let us help settle your chaos.

Frequently asked questions about Anxiety and Depression

  • I’m sorry you’re going through a difficult time. Here are some of the signs of depression:

    Feeling sad, hopeless, worthless, guilty, on edge, constantly worried, overwhelmed

    Little energy, motivation, or interest in things you used to enjoy

    Changes in appetite or not eating

    Trouble sleeping or wanting to sleep all the time

    Difficulty focusing on thinking clearly

    Thoughts of suicide or wishing you were dead

    *If you are experiencing thoughts of suicide or wanting to die, please contact the National Suicide Helpline 988.

  • Stress is a normal human experience and it can actually be very helpful when it happens occasionally, giving you a boost of adrenaline to get through a challenging moment. Anxiety on the other hand, is a feeling of worry, dread, or discomfort and it can happen at any time, and instead of helping you deal with a challenge, it can make life much harder to handle. Many people feel anxiety about normal and safe situations. When anxiety starts to creep into more and more areas of life, therapy can help so you can feel more peace, ease, and relaxation.

  • Yes, they actually occur together in many people. You see it when someone is very anxious and overworking themselves or pushing too hard for too long, and then they begin to feel exhausted and ineffective - to the point where they begin to feel hopeless, powerless; and do not have a desire to get out of bed. After some time, this can actually trigger another bout of anxiety and the cycle continues.

Ready to get started?

You’re worth it!